Heavy Piston Airless Spray Pack for Skim Coat
Piston Pump Airless Spray Pack for High viscosity Paint
And Skim Coat application with full performance
Airless Spray Pack for Skim Coat

Heavy Airless Piston Spray Pack ProSpray 3.39
Technical Data Summary
Max. Nozzle: 0.039”
Max. Flow Rate: 5.0 litres/min
Max. Pressure: 220 Bar
Voltage: 220V / 50Hz
Weight: 50.00 KG
The large piston spray pack unit that can be applied for extremely high viscosity not more than nozzle size 0.039”. Therefore, It can be applied with ceramic coating, heat protection, fire retardant and skim coat application is available for this unit. The accessories are following as below;
- High Pressure Airless Spray Gun AG-19
- Special Type of high pressure Hose with length 15 M
- Airless Nozzle for High Pressure Spray Pack
For more information, please click “TECHNICAL DATA”.
Piston Technology for PS 3.39

If the material viscosity is extremely high. The spray pack must have the capability of feed this kind of material with perfect performance. There is no comparable technology other than piston that it can feed this material without problem. If you would like to know more what does WAGNER piston technology feature has. You may click at “DETAILS” to see further information.
Other Accessories for PROSPRAY 3.39
For this material, TRADETIP 3 is only nozzle type that there have nozzle size available to 0.052” and we have many hose size for skim coat and high viscosity material. In addition, there have other accessories such as extension nozzle 30 CM, 45 CM and 60 CM and other accessories for enhance the spraying performance. Please click “DETAILS” for further information.

Demonstration Video for ProSpray 3.39
Operating Video of ProSpray 3.39
Click at icon to see video
Video Credit:
WAGNER GmbH, Decorative Finishing Department
Contact Info and Order

ProSpray 3.39 airless spray pack for skim coat.
ProSpray 3.39, the heavy piston airless spray pack from WAGNER for skim coat application and be applicable with ceramic coating and fire retardant paint.
TEL: 02-322-2495
LINE ID: @romcoating
E-Mail: rom@romltd.com
Website: www.romltd.com